

                When my daughter was three years old we found that She had cancer this was on  March 
                        27 of 1996. She had surgery on April 1 and she came home from the hospital on April 7 
                         which was Easter Sunday.

                             A few weeks after being home she started having the most awful time at night she 
                         would scream and cry for up to an hour at a time without waking up without being able to 
                         be comforted no mater what I tried all I could do was hold Toni and try to keep her from 
                         harming her self or me. This went on for several weeks.

                             Then out of the blue she started taking about ghost. She had a ghost, the ghost was 
                        Standing by the closet. At this time Toni slept with us and the closet door was at the foot 
                         of our bed. A friend asked me to find out what color the ghost was. So I took Toni and 
                         some Barbie doll clothes of different colors and asked her to point out the color of her 
                         ghost. She pointed to a white bridal dress. I thought ok this is a good thing. This is before 
                         I put the episode at night together with the ghost.

                             Then later on I asked her what did the ghost do. She told me she kept the bad ghost in 
                         the closet. I asked her to explain more. She said that there were bad ghost who tired to 
                         get her at night when she was in bed. that they tried to get out of the closet and the 
                         white ghost kept them in.

                             Then one day when we were in her bed room she pointed to her guardian angel picture, 
             t          his is a very old print of the famous painting of the children crossing the old broken 
                         bridge with the angel watching over them. And she said that is what my angel looks like. 
                         This picture belonged to her grandmother as a child and has hung over the beds of at least 
                         7 children that I know of we even took the picture to the hospital when she was having her 
                         surgery. This made me feel even better about the angel.

                             At different times she would talk to her angel I’d ask her where the angel was and she 
                         would point in the direction and tell me where the angel was standing. The episodes at 
                         night continued and I was worried. Toni then told me that there were now two angels the 
                        first angel still stood by the door but the other stayed by the bed and kept the bad ghost 
                        off the bed. that the bad ghost had gotten out of the closet and were under the bed and 
                         trying to get on the bed to get her. This scared me. This lasted over the course of about 3 
                         months. Toni would see her ghost in many places in the house and at the hospital , in the 
                         car. She would talk to the angel all the time. The episodes stopped as quickly as they 

                             As time passed we talked about the angels less. At one time I asked Toni if she 
                         remembered her angels, she told me no. I let it go and that was the end of that. Toni is 
                         now 8 years old. A couple of days ago there was a commercial for Ensure on tv. Toni said 
                         mom can you get me some of that? I said Toni when you were receiving chemotherapy we 
                        tried to get you to drink that and you said it was the most awful thing in the world and 
                         never wanted it again. I said do you remember that? She said no.

                             This opened the door for the following conversation.... I said Toni just what do you 
                         remember about having cancer. She said she remembered having no hair being in the 
                         hospital and her angles. Well that was a shocker. I said ok what do you remember about 
                         the angels. She told me that there were the good angles one stayed by the closet and one 
                         by the bed as before. But the told me the bad angels where devils that looked like little 
                         children dressed in black and had wings. She told me that they tried to shake the bed . 
                        And that they wanted her infuse-port to come out so she would bleed to death. And the 
                         good angels protected her.
                                 Now the most ironic part of this Toni did develop an infection in her port that kept her 
                         in the hospital for quite some time and even after she came home she had to be in IV 
                         antibiotics for over a week. And if I remember correctly after the infection was gone so 
                         where the angels. The first time I remember her talking to the angles we were in the 
                         hospital and she was sick and we were being treated in the emergency room. The nurses 
                         treated Toni like the princess she is and while at the nurses station Toni told me her angel 
                         was there in the hall way with us. She was in the cubical with us. As I look back over this 
                         time I know the angel saved my child’s life and I am so very grateful. But what I don’t 
                         Toni’s angels and I hope they know how I feel and accept my gratitude.


                                                                 Thank you for reading my story!


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